
ALARP: Risk Management for Engineering

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Date(s) - 28/02/2023
8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Manchester City Football Club


ALARP: Risk Management for Engineering

IMechE in-person event, Manchester, UK


Organised by the Institution’s Safety and Reliability Group, join the ALARP 2022 seminar to hear case studies delivered by experts from a broad range of sectors including aviation, healthcare and industrial gas. The event will feature practical demonstrations of the ALARP principle and guidance from industry thought leaders.

This year’s event will address how organisations are evolving their approach to ALARP demonstrations. With industry specific case studies showing the progress being made to innovative solutions to reduce risk on the whole, ALARP 2022 will deliver practical thinking coupled with new ways of approaching traditional ALARP.

Key reasons to attend:

  • Gain in-depth insights into ALARP methodologies employed in a range of safety-critical sectors – allowing the transfer of best practice
  • Understand developments around the interpretation and application of ALARP
  • Develop the knowledge and skills needed to successfully apply the ALARP principle to 21st century engineering challenges
  • Mitigate and manage risks effectively to eliminate safety-critical events
  • Reduce your exposure to regulatory and legal penalties by understanding expectations and meeting them fully

Discount for Hazards Forum members: book at the Supporting Organisation rate on the website or contact eventenquiries@imeche.org and mention Hazards Forum to save on your place.

For more information about this event, please visit the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ website here.

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