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Date(s) - 26/09/2023
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Cranes 2023: Innovation for Safety and Sustainability

26th September 2023, London


Back by popular demand, but with a twist, the IMechE is delighted to announce its next iteration of the popular Cranes seminar, the must-attend event that brings together all the engineers, safety professionals, equipment designers, industry regulators and service providers involved.

New focus for 2023:

  • Technologies: what new developments and options are available to reduce the risks for complex lifts, including power supplies, autonomous systems, continuous monitoring equipment and much more.
  • Innovation: with more and more projects being executed in densely populated and urban environments, hear how construction projects are using alternatives to traditional tower cranes for complex lifts.
  • Sustainability: how crane operators, managers and plant hire organisations are approaching sustainability, covering reduced use of diesel, alternative fuels, better logistics planning and much more.
  • Safety: assess the role of crane operators and planners vs autonomous systems, together with key considerations and best practice to achieve Engineered Safety for lifting projects.

Discount for Hazards Forum Members:  book at the Supporting Organisation discount on the event website or email eventenquiries@imeche.org and mention the Hazards Forum.

For more information about this event, please visit the IMechE website here.

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