
Hazards 34

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Date(s) - 05/11/2024 - 07/11/2024
All Day


Hazards 34

Manchester, UK


Renowned as one of the world’s premier events for process safety professionals, it’s Europe’s largest process safety conference. This year’s conference promises to build on the success of last year’s event and the enthusiastic response to our call for content. We are confident that this year’s programme will meet your expectations and provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

As you’ll see from the conference programme, Hazards 34 presents an excellent opportunity for process safety and loss prevention professionals to connect with peers, build networks, and renew their focus on best practice in process safety. Join us to gain insights from leading experts, take part in cutting-edge discussions, and strengthen your commitment to safety excellence.

If you are attending the conference, check out our workshop in the afternoon on 7th November 2024.

What makes an effective relationship between a regulator and dutyholder?

Click here to view the slides from the workshop.

There has been increasing interest the major hazards sector in recent years in what makes an effective relationship between a regulator and dutyholder.  This interest stems from events such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, the Grenfell fire and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. These events highlighted how factors such as blurred accountabilities, insufficient independent challenge and lack of agility in the regulatory regime can contribute to disaster. 

Recent work by organisations such as the Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Network for Delivery of Regulation, has attempted to bring clarity to effective regulator-dutyholder interactions, and how each can deliver their distinct roles while enabling safe and environmentally-responsible operations.

This workshop, hosted by the Hazards Forum, will explore the factors which underpin effective relationships between regulator and dutyholder, including how such relationships facilitate open and honest dialogue, while recognising the common goal of safety and environmental improvement.  Further it will explore how the relationships might evolve to address the increasing complexity of technologies, processes and organisations and ensure resilience against unforeseen events.

The workshop will feature contributions from the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation and other key stakeholders.

Delegates will have an opportunity to: 

  • Reflect on the health of their own relationships with regulators / dutyholders
  • Share good practice and learning with peers across different sectors
  • Learn about the latest developments in this field
  • Explore how regulators and dutyholders can adapt to the challenges of new technologies and organisational models

For more information about this conference, please visit the Institution of Chemical Engineers’ website here.

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