
Pressure Systems in Nuclear New-Build

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Date(s) - 21/03/2023
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


Pressure Systems in Nuclear New-Build
IMechE in-person event, Bristol, UK

With nuclear energy now considered a key element of the UK’s energy mix to meet Net Zero requirements, the growing reliance on existing and new build reactors means that their associated pressure systems will also be under greater duress to accommodate them.

Join this key forum to discuss the growing operational challenges facing pressure systems engineers working on nuclear sites in the UK, covering all aspects from design, development and safety compliance to operations, monitoring and maintenance.

Technical presentations will share case study insights and best practice from both operational and new nuclear sites that will provide fresh perspectives and successful strategies for improved pressure system reliability, performance, inspections and much more.

Discount for Hazards Forum members: simply book at the Supporting Organisation rate on the event website or contact the Event Enquiries team (eventenquiries@imeche.org) and mention your Hazards Forum membership.

For more information about this technical seminar, please visit the Institution of Mechanical Engineers website here.

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