Date(s) - 15/06/2021
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Regulation of Chemicals (Part 2): Risk Management within the new UK REACH framework
Hazards Forum webinar
UK REACH came into force on the 1st January 2021 and the first substances to be considered for risk management under UK REACH are tattoo inks, lead in ammunition and certain per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Work has already begun to gather the evidence and assess the risks in order to determine the appropriate risk management actions within the new UK REACH framework.
In this Part 2 of our mini-series on the regulation of chemicals, regulators and policy makers will provide an introduction to how substances are prioritised for action and some examples of current risk management activity.
Part 2 welcomes:
A presentation by Jack Blandy, Policy Lead, UK REACH Work Programme, DEFRA
Jack coordinates the process for identifying and prioritising activities in UK REACH. To do this, Jack works closely with the Health and Safety Executive, Environment Agency, the Devolved Administrations, as well as external stakeholders.
Presentations from Claire Massey, Senior Specialist, Chemicals Assessment Unit and Richard Dean, Senior Specialist, Chemicals Assessment Unit, Environment Agency
Claire Massey, Senior Specialist
Claire leads on Restrictions under UK REACH for the Environment Agency, working closely with the Health and Safety Executive. She is responsible for the environmental aspects of restriction proposals and contributes to Regulatory Management Options Analyses (RMOA) and substance prioritisation.
Richard Dean, Senior Specialist
Richard is the Environment Agency lead for environmental risk management considerations in applications for Authorisation under UK REACH, working closely with the Health and Safety Executive. He also leads on certain RMOAs, including the latest one that will cover PFAS.
Discussion forum (Q&A) chaired by Ruth Wilkinson, Chair, Hazards Forum Technical Advisory Committee.