
Weather and Climate Hazards: Impact Forecasting and Modelling Insights for the Insurance Sector

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Date(s) - 22/11/2023
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm


Weather and Climate Hazards: Impact Forecasting and Modelling Insights for the Insurance Sector

Royal Meteorological Society, Special Interest Group (Insurance) webinar


This webinar will be an opportunity for weather and climate scientists, catastrophe modellers, and those in the insurance industry to gain an insight into the latest research on the modelling, representation, and impact of weather and climate hazards around the globe. Extreme meteorological events can have catastrophic socio-economic impacts and utilising the latest climate model and analysis techniques allows for vital insight into these phenomena. Topics covered will include Tropical Cyclones, European Windstorms, heatwaves and drought forecasting for humanitarian aid. This webinar will highlight areas of active collaboration between the insurance sector and academia and how cutting-edge research has an application in day-to-day business.

Three speakers will give 15-minute presentations on their latest work, followed by a short Q&A.

The webinar will conclude with a panel discussion featuring the speakers and led by members of the RMetS Insurance Special Interest Group.

For more information about this RMetS webinar, please visit their website here.


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