

Our Interest Groups comprise representatives from our member organisations. These groups hear from guest speakers, discuss topics of mutual interest, and share lessons, with the aim of turning their deliberations into high quality events imparting information and sharing insights which we report upon and make available on our website for the public benefit.

The groups are a vehicle for members to be part of important discussions on topical issues, as well as create positive change within their particular field. Members of the groups meet regularly to learn from different industries and how others respond to specific hazards. The aim is that members can find solutions to problems they may experience in their industry and pass on useful practices that can be implemented elsewhere.

Each of our three interest groups informs and educates by sharing the latest research tools, methods, solutions and best practice. The groups also provide a forum in which interdisciplinary practitioners and decision-makers can connect and interact.

IG-1 Chair, Megan Pearce

IG-2 Chair Richard Roff

IG-3 Chair Marc McBride

Interest Group 1

Group focus: Natural Hazards

This group focuses on natural hazards and disasters, such as those that would occur in nature without any human
influence (e.g. flooding, earthquake, lightning etc.) as well as those influenced or induced by human activity (e.g. climate change, pandemic etc.)

Interest Group 2

Group focus: Engineered System Hazards

This group focuses on hazards arising from failures of engineered equipment, constructions, products and processes (or systems of these, or in the control of these), which could lead to catastrophic incidents resulting in significant injuries to people, significant damage to the environment, or large financial loss.

Interest Group 3

Group focus: Emerging and Future Technology

This group focuses on new technologies and risks that arise, or are inherent to these technologies, in order to enable a robust and resilient society (e.g. digitalisation, automation and AI, new energy, new materials and advanced manufacturing).

IG-1 Annual Topic Planner 

February – Cold snaps and winter conditions

April – Early warning and emergency response arrangements

June – Digital twins and hazard visualisation tools (combined with the new tech group)

August – Drought

October – Cascading / interconnected hazards and impacts

December – Pluvial / surface water flooding

IG-2 Annual Topic Planner

February – Building safety regulator

April – Legacy / ageing infrastructure risks (known and emerging)

June – Cross-sector discussions on energy transition

August – TBC

October – Learning lessons across organisations and sectors

December – TBC

IG-3 Annual Topic Planner

February – Data and information

March – Artificial intelligence and cyber security

June – Robotics and autonomous systems

July – Technology management and digital safety in railways

October – Nuclear fusion

December – Novel fuels 

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