The piece explains how the J-value was used in the multi-university NREFS project (Management of Nuclear Risk issues, Environmental, Financial and Safety) to assess how well the authorities managed the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima Daiichi (2011).
Click here to see all our articles relating to ‘Chernobyl’.
John Munnings-Tomes also reflects on the Piper Alpha disaster, whose thirtieth anniversary passed in July this year. In the news March event: hazards and procurement Piper Alpha Disaster – 30th Anniversary June event:
He began by discussing the A novel model of resilience is emerging impacts of the Tohoku earthquake and from the work of the ICIF project at the tsunami. By the time the subsequent books, such as ‘Environment, Power, and tsunami hit the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear Society for the Twenty-First Century’1.